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AM Moving Company




(469) 278-2304


Moving Checklist


Moving Checklist

Five Weeks Before

  1. Arrange kids’ school records, medical and veterinary records to take to your new school and doctor’s office
  2. Start sorting through what can be tossed or donated before the move
  3. Measure all big furniture and make sure it can fit through the doorways
  4. Start using food items in your freezer (get creative with recipes!)

Four Weeks Before

  1. Order boxes and moving supplies (Student Movers can help you with this one!)
  2. Start packing items that you don’t use on a regular basis
  3. Begin to label boxes and pack room for room (read our tips for general moving!)
  4. Pack up the basement and attic

Two Weeks Before

  1. Notify the post office you are moving and forward your mail for a few weeks
  2. Make sure to notify other companies of your new address:
    • Phone Co
    • Electric Co
    • Gas Co
    • Water Co
    • Cable Co
    • Credit Cards
    • Bank
    • Magazines
    • Newspapers
    • DMV
    • Tax Bureau (IRS)
    • Social Security Administration
    • Gym & other memberships
  3. Pack up the bulk of the items and keep a master list so you know what is packed where
  4. Hold a garage sale for items you have decided can be disposed of Make sure to call Goodwill and see if they will pick up any left over items (they usually will for large pieces)
  5. Create travel plans for pets (read our tips on moving with pets!)

Week Of the Move

  1. Pack a suitcase with entertainment, extra clothes and food for the day of the move
  2. Pack an essentials box with items you will need immediately for your new home
    • Bedding linen
    • Utensils
    • Towels
    • Toilet Paper
    • Medications
    • Cleaning Supplies
  3. If driving, get your car serviced
  4. Empty and defrost the refrigerator and freezer at least 24 hours before the move
  5. Drain gas from grills and other outdoor cooking equipment
  6. Call and verify the moving date with the moving company
  7. Call to get the services shut off (keep them active through moving day)
  8. Plan some trips with your family so everyone can say goodbye to places that hold happy memories
  9. Label items that need extra special care on moving day
  10. Check closets and cabinets one last time
  11. Most Important! Make sure to breathe and enjoy moving day as much as possible; After all, you are on your way to a new home!

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