One of the things that you will need to think about when moving is saying goodbye to your friends and loved ones. Of course, you have many ways that you can do that. But the best and most efficient way is to organize a going away party. Everyone knows how complicated and stressful moving is. You need to think about gathering packing supplies, packing, hiring movers Arlington TX, paperwork, and much more. So it is very hard to concentrate on organizing a gathering. Therefore, we have prepared a going away party ideas and tips that you can read and use, to save time. Here is how you should do it.
Moving is expensive, organizing a going away party is expensive, what can you do about it?
Moving, besides being complicated and stressful, is very expensive. If you are moving locally, you can expect to pay around $1,250. An average cost of a long-distance move is well over $4,000. That is a significant amount for everyone. So, if you want to have enough money to organize a going away party, which is also costly, you will need to find a way to lower your moving costs. Luckily, there are many ways that you can do that. First of all, you will need to hire affordable movers Dallas. That is the most efficient way to save money on your move.

But you can also get rid of your excess items and use free cardboard boxes for packing. In the end, you can organize a yard sale, sell your excess items, and even earn some cash. If you are successful enough, you will have enough money to carry out all going away party ideas that you imagine.
Think about when and how to organize your event
If you have a desire to organize going away party, first you need to make a thorough plan. Organizing a party during moving chaos is not so easy to do. You will need to make a timeline that will give you a clue, when and how to do it. Will you organize it before you start packing your stuff, while your home still has furniture, kitchenware, and a working fridge? That can be easily done if you are hiring a packing and unpacking services TX. Or you will do it after you pack when your home is empty and there is a lot of free space? When you decide about this, you can carry out your going away party ideas.
Think about the size of your going-away event, and establish a guest list
When you determined the timing of your event, the first thing you should decide upon is the number of guests. If you will be organizing a huge party, you will need more time, money, and effort. If you decide to prepare a more intimate event, only for your closest friends and family members, it will be much easier, relaxed and most importantly, cheaper. Think about this, and establish your guest list.

Large event with music and many guests is one of the most common going away party ideas
If you decided to organize a huge party with music, dancing, and many guests, it is better to do it in the last days before your move. Precisely, after you pack your belongings. When you hold a large party at your home with many guests, there is always a danger of something being damaged. Carpet stains, broken glasses, smashed TV are all standard things that can happen during a party. Therefore, if you will be organizing such a large event, better pack everything and leave only the furniture. You can hire a furniture assembly service that will disassemble it just before the move. Buy disposable party supplies and use that for your party. Just do not forget to remove the carpets!
BBQ gathering is another nice going-away party idea if you have a yard
If you are in Texas, BBQ is one of the most popular party ideas that you can carry out. This is a great idea in so many ways. First, you can organize it for as many people as you like. You can call everyone you know (if your yard is large enough), or you can gather only your closest friends and family members. It is also very handy when moving. You do not have to think about your furniture, boxes and other stuff. It means that you can organize it whenever you want. Of course, you will need to buy lots of meat (which is not cheap), beer and a good BBQ stove. And you will have to have someone who is handy with preparing BBQ.
High Class going away party ideas
A cocktail party is another great going away party idea if you want to go a little bit more exclusive. It is suitable for any number of guests. But in that case, you will need to have suitable glassware. Also, you will need to put some effort into preparing some nice cocktails and finger food. If you do not have time to do it, but you still have a wish to show some class, you can order a catering service and a waiter for the event. This might be a little expensive, but it will give you a chance to enjoy the party as if you are one of the guests.

A dinner party is one of the more intimate going away party ideas
A dinner party is always a good option. It is not suitable for a large number of people. However, if you are saying farewell only to a few of your closest friends, and you want to show your culinary skills, dinner is one of the best going away party ideas. Just remember that if you do not want to order catering, you will need to have a kitchen in place, kitchenware, and table and chairs.