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Post-move paperwork you need to handle

AM Moving Company — March 4, 2020

Paperwork seems like the thing that scares people the most. Especially if they are not exactly familiar with what it really means, and what will be the paperwork that you will need to handle. During a move, you will have to deal with lots of it. Today, you will be acquainted with post-move paperwork you need to handle. From insurance policies, medical records, postal service notifications, to your kid’s school records and utility contracts. Those will be more important. However, if you have some other requirements like appliance installation services or you will be doing an additional home adaptation, you will have more papers to sign. But those will be secondary things, that you might or might not encounter.

Moving inventory list is part of your post-move paperwork, even though you need to prepare it before the move

After you move, the first thing that you will need to address is checking your items. When Highland Park movers deliver your stuff, you will want to check is everything there and the condition of your boxes and items. To check this you will need to have an inventory list that you created before the move. This means that you will need to start preparing some of your post-move paperwork before the move. So, after you get rid of the things that you do not plan to move with you, create a moving inventory list. Write down the names of your items, their weight (if possible), color, serial numbers, and their condition. Be very detailed about it.

to do post-it
When your Highland Park movers deliver your stuff, you will need your inventory list to check them


Why moving the inventory list is important

This list will help you not only to check your stuff, but it is also very useful before the move. It can help you estimate the number of boxes that you will need for packing. Also, it will allow you to get an accurate estimate from your selected movers.

Dealing with insurance policies is also a part of post-move paperwork that you need to think about in advance

Of course, if you find that some of your stuff is missing or damaged you will need to handle your insurance. This is also one of the post-move documents that you will need to prepare before the move.  Southlake movers, like every other professional and responsible moving company, will give you basic coverage, which is usually 60 cents per pound.  But that is not proper insurance. If you want to be sure that your items will be fully protected, you will need to get an insurance policy from an insurance company. There are many types of insurance policies that you can buy, and you need to talk to your insurance agent about it.

How to make sure that your items will be protected

Naturally, nobody likes to deal with insurance because that means that you are in some kind of trouble. But, besides hiring reliable movers, that is the only thing that will be protecting you while you are moving.

Do not forget to call your utility companies before the move. You can sign contracts later

Signing contracts with utility companies is another post-move paperwork that you will want to handle before you actually move. Imagine that your local DFW movers deliver your belongings and you realize that you forgot to connect your water supply or even worse, the internet. Call your electricity, water, gas, telephone, cable and internet providers and schedule your connecting dates before the move. That will ensure that the moment you move in, your home is ready and running.

 Iron gas lid
Do not forget to call utility companies before the move


Be careful when signing contracts

When signing contracts, especially with cable and internet providers, be careful. Make sure that you read the entire contract before you put your stamp on it.  If you are not sure how long you will be living there, do not oblige for a year or two even if it’s cheaper. Your provider might ask that you pay for the remaining months if you decide to cancel your contract.

Changing the address with your postal service

Another thing that you will need to address is the change of your address. Maybe the regular, physical mail is not on your mind in the days of the internet. However, authorities and the government sector still like your postal services to deliver your mail and notifications. Therefore, after you move, notify your post service that you have changed your address.  If you do not want or have time to go to your post office, you can always do it online. So this will not take too much of your precious post-move time.

School records and other educational documents are also post-move paperwork

If you are moving with school kids, their school-record will be one of the most important post-move paperwork that you will need to handle. Of course, you will also need to address this before the move. Call the new school and ask what the papers that will be required are. But make sure that you do this on time. School records and other educational files might be located in different institutions. That means that you will need some time to acquire them all.

School records
If you have kids, school records are an important part of post-move paperwork


Prepare your medical records and supply of medications

As all other post-move paperwork, you will need to start dealing with your medical record before the move. Call your medical practice and inform them about your move. This will give them time to prepare your medical records. Then you can only come by and pick up what you need. If you are on some kind of therapy, make sure that you prepare a supply of medications. Maybe, after the move, you will not be able to find a good physician, or you will not have time to look for your medications.

Those are the common post-move paperwork that you will need to handle. As you now know, you will need to address everything before the move.

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